Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Community College Students and Web 2.0

After taking a class on Web 2.0 tools this past summer and as part of our final assignment, I decided to survey my classes this term on their knowledge of Web 2.0 tools. I sent out a survey to the students and had 94% response (it was required!), which was 45 students. 91% of respondents said they were not familiar with Web 2.0 tools or the term Web 2.0. 36% said they read online newspapers and magazines; 27% had followed a blog; 31% had a blog at some point. 36% had made a video and uploaded it to youtube. The following chart shows responses to a query about their knowledge and use of specific tools:

Never heard of it. Heard of it, but never used it. Used it once or twice. Use it frequently. Response
Google Docs 57.8% (26) 31.1% (14) 6.7% (3) 4.4% (2) 45
Google Reader 57.8% (26) 26.7% (12) 13.3% (6) 2.2% (1) 45
Feedly 93.3% (42) 6.7% (3) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 45
Diigo 95.6% (43) 2.2% (1) 2.2% (1) 0.0% (0) 45
Delicious 97.8% (44) 2.2% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 45
Twitter 0.0% (0) 60.0% (27) 26.7% (12) 13.3% (6) 45
RSS feeds 60.0% (27) 33.3% (15) 6.7% (3) 0.0% (0) 45
Facebook 0.0% (0) 6.7% (3) 15.6% (7) 77.8% (35) 45
Glogster 93.3% (42) 6.7% (3) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 45
Flickr, snapfish, etc. 20.0% (9) 46.7% (21) 24.4% (11) 8.9% (4) 45
wikis 57.8% (26) 22.2% (10) 15.6% (7) 4.4% (2) 45
Voicethread 95.6% (43) 4.4% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 45
Prezi 97.8% (44) 2.2% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 45
Wordle or Tagxedo 93.2% (41) 6.8% (3) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 44

Hmmm, another challenge...to work on formatting and tables...never ends!