Sunday, July 25, 2010

Guiding Principles redux

Here are my original thoughts:
Work with it first on my own
Consult with others
Must find ways to measure learning
Interactive/Collaborative in a way that supports learning
Helps students with discernment of sources and information
Potential development of Open Educational Resources (OER)

I think that I still feel pretty good about these, but within the scope of this class measurement and development of OERs kind of went out the window! I definitely think these are important and are perhaps part of the second and third stages of develpment on projects and use. Now that I know a little more about how I want to use the tools I can begin to think about how to assess their efficacy in increasing student attitudes, engagement, and hopefully learning. Honestly, if the learning is about the same, but student attitudes and engagement increase I think that's a win. I know that using the Create an Argument model will definitely increase student learning on how to use and interpret data. After a couple of semesters of using the Blog and a few tools on projects I think I'll have a better idea of what kind of OERs I would like to develop. I've just found out that we have money to pay instructors to do OER development and that we have staff to do things like video, animations, etc. so that instructors don't have to spend as much time on this part and more time on the curriculum side. So I may do a couple of things this fall--some videos on techniques in our micro lab that students could watch and review with.

I also need to incorporate information on good sources and good behavior online. The latter isn't really a problem, but it is important to help students develop and cultivate their professional online persona. Since I do teach online, I sometimes have issues with students who think we are all on fb together and not in a class. I want students to understand the value of good collaboration and powerful idea exchange, not just fun, social commentary.

Finally, I think I would add some things to my list that other's have said: Have fun! Don't be afraid! Be an agent of change (when change means better!). Promote original and higher order thinking skills....I should look back at all this again after the fall semester!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Final Project--baby steps towards eportfolios

I've created a Prezi to share my final project. If you double click the links it will open to the site (my new blog, my very crude timeline prezi and some current events/data). In a nutshell I'm going to start with a classroom blog in one of my microbiology classes. I will survey the students on their web tool experience/knowledge and then will design a few assignments for them to share on the blog. I will probably do group projects to begin with and have them individually comment on each other's projects. This is really going to be a work in progress and though I have an idea of where I'm will be a surprise too! I do hope to have a guest speaker or two.

In the future, I've been told that our new Learning Management System (either an update of BB or Moodlerooms joule, will have wiki and blog capabilities. So, I don't want to invest the time in building a wiki or have individual student blogs at this time. This should be a good training stage for when we transition to an updated LMS though. I would eventually like to have individual student blogs because my ultimate goal would be to have students develop individual eportfolios which would inlcude "stuff" from both lecture and lab. Some LMSs will allow students to export their portfolios and some won't--that is a bridge I will cross when we transition. All in all I'm excited to get started, and really curious as to how the students will react and perform! Good luck to us all!

Via Twitter: more resources



Saving tweets for later:

Tips for twitter:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

More tool resources!

I was scanning new tweets tonight and found this link posted during a #elemchat. It has an interactive glog with links to tools. Many are the same as on other lists and from our class, but may spark another idea or use. The glog is pretty cool in itself. Enjoy (in the free time you have left before school starts again)!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

D2L Discussion reflection

It's so interesting to me to that so many people from different parts of the country can come together for a common experience without ever being together physically. We all know the advantages of online classes; but when it is successful, as I feel this class has been, it's a great thing to watch happen and participate in (that probably explains why I like to teach online now and then!). We have all had a lot of similar experiences it seems in learning new tools, coming to grips with our pre-conceived ideas, and gaining confidence. Yet, there seems to be a lot of diversity in the tools we have chosen to showcase or use in our final projects. This reinforces for me the idea that my students will have their personal preferences; tools that will make sense to them or motivate them. I hope to give them some choice in the tools that they use for projects.

The blog as display and comment platform has been one of the best things in this class. As a place for forced reflection, but also as a resource. Seeing what everyone else has been doing and their trials and tips has been a source of inspiration, and really helped me get through some of the tools. More importantly; to see good applications of the tools. We all seem to have learned so much from each other's experiences.

Most everyone also expressed the need for trying out the tools and how overwhelming the list is. It's so easy to get lost in searching and playing with the technology and I think we all experienced that. This also informs my project and use of tools. I think that I want to give my students choice, but from a short list so they can try them and choose more quickly.

I think what we all take with us is the importance of the collaborative aspect of using the tools. It's kind of ironic, since doing science is a very collaborative endeavor, that we often overlook that in the classroom. I think that the major reason this class is so successful is because of the collaboration and communication of the instructor and all the participants. Can you imagine trying to do this all on your own? I can't, and I haven't, even though I knew I should learn about them. So, thanks again Dr. Brunsell and everyone. Looking forward to staying in touch via twitter, and #scichat, Teaching science 2.0, Edutopia, and our blogs--hope you plan on keeping them going.

Wk 6 Web tools

Well, this is not my most successful week! I have a short video that I am trying to create a podcast with. I had trouble converting the video to something I could edit. Tried windows movie and Zamzar, but couldn't edit the video. Finally, opened a trial of Adobe elements. Now I'm trying to figure out editing, I've been trying to cut a small portion out but it cuts the wrong section, changes the narration....ay yi yi. I've also added a few images and want to voice over those. So, I don't have a product to show yet and maybe never will at this rate! I can upload the original video and embed it in my blog, but I've done that and now I want to be able to edit and create a complete product. I can actually have folks at school help with this, but I want to be able to do some basics myself. So, any tips? Wish me luck, if I get something slightly what I want I will share it, otherwise, lichens may remain a mystery....

On a good note, I've been collecting so much "stuff" with diigo! I love it! I'm still not very organized...aka, still not in love with Googlereader, but haven't had time to really get my feedly organized. Other good news--my college will be either updating our BB to a new version or switching to a hosted version of Moodle (any insight on which you like better?). Either one that we pick will have wikis and blogs and eportfolio functions. So, I'm really excited about that--I won't have to start completely from scratch, will be able to keep control over users, and will be able to track usage. Yay! With this in mind, I'm changing some things about my final project--probably have a classroom blog instead of individual blogs, and then have individual blogs or eportfolios once we change our CMS, or rather our LMS (Learning Management System as we are calling them now I guess instead of Course MS).

So, not all pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth this week!

Hummingbirds in super slo mo

Just for the amazement of it:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Old Tech at Caltech

So I was at Caltech yesterday to listen to a Scottish folk band. It was in a lecture hall--Brickman Auditorium (not such a good venue though the music was great), and I was struck by this: chalk and a chalkboard, obviously well and currently used. Keeps things in perspective, sometimes low tech is ok; and a reminder to use technology when it's useful and helpful to the students. Will this help me edit my big ideas and overambition and overload?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oil tagxedo

Another Tagxedo from a news article on the oilspill and wildlife deaths, it's now my facebook profile pic:

microbe world video

Just practicing some more!


I'm so excited, and so glad I asked....I contacted our local water agency and asked if they had data on coliform counts beyond what was accessible on their website (3 years back I think). I told them who I was and why I wanted it--they sent me the last 15 years in an excel file! We do a coliform count lab in our micro course and I'm so excited to be able to add this to the lab as a data analysis exercise. Thanks again, Dr. Brunsell and Castaic Lake Water Agency!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wk 5 tools Prezi timeline

Here is a quick and dirty Prezi timeline of a few dates in the History of Micro. Prezi makes me a little dizzy when it rotates, not sure I'd want to be in front of class doing that! I would want to use size relationships to mean something, I've made the Leeuwenhoek images small, his name is large...I'm wondering how students could use this to collaborate on a timeline. I'd also like to connect the dates. Obviously need to play around some more, but maybe tomorrow...or not, hoping for a beach day! Oh, most the images are from wikimedia, or Wellcom images.

Wk 5 Tools Tagxedo

Inspired by Caryn's, here is my Tagxedo of my mid-course self reflection. It is interesting to find out which words are used the most (larger). I'm not sure what I might use this for in a pedagogical way, but students could share written exercises and then comment on the words. Could perhaps have students describe a concept or process and see what turns up, where the emphasis is. Also might be interesting to put in a Prezi. What amazes me the most is that someone actually knows how to design stuff like this!

Wk 5 Blogs, Wikis, project thoughts

I've been reading and watching and reading and reading.....I use a Course Management System, BB, in all my classes, online or onground, as a way to organize and present information, have discussion forums etc. This class was a little difficult for me to navigate at first because I am so used to the structure of a CMS. So here are some things I think about blogs vs. wikis vs. CMS's, etc.
A CMS is a fairly static thing; I am the only one in charge of adding content and managing the course. The only exceptions to this are the Discussion Boards. I use DBs for assignments and group collaboration. But still, this is fairly static and difficult to get good comments consistently from students. Postings are usually well done, but replies, not so much. I know that I will not abandon my cms for a wiki. On my cms I can post grades, have RSS feeds, upload files, give assignments, etc. I can embed videos, links, student projects and more. I also always have a "cyber cafe" forum where students can post questions about the course, set up review sessions with each other, offer random thoughts and the like. And, I can archive everything and copy the course for the next semester.
That said, I think a wiki has a many advantages and uses over a CMS. There are of course many more collaborative opportunities on a wiki. I love that we can comment on each page instead of a "remote" Discussion Board. We can all add content, links, edit, add pages, etc. However, that hasn't occurred too much in this class which is a concern I would have in my own class. It could take some doing to get students up to speed and willing to put in the time make solid contributions. The ability for students to be able to edit is a good thing and potentially not so good, it would still take oversight and management of the course and working out permissions for editing. There would be content I would not want to be edited!
I don't think there is much of an argument for choosing which better, blogs vs. wikis is. Its apples and oranges and really depends on what you want to do--a wiki is a collaborative pool of information that should grow, a blog is more of a single subject commentary. I think a blog would give a voice to many students who do not speak up in class, who are shy, or are ELLs. Many of these students write very well and can express themselves more comfortably this way. I've seen this many times in my online teaching and learning experiences. Students and colleagues that rarely offer a peep in class, or who do speak up, but have trouble articulating their ideas verbally often explode off the written page.
So, here is where I am and what I am thinking…I will keep my CMS, but I want to incorporate blogging for sure, either through BB or as a link outside, probably outside for reasons that I’ll get to in a moment. I will think more about wikis and the best use for my students. I’d like to have a wiki within BB as part of some collaborative effort, which I haven’t fully thought of yet!
I’ve gone around in circles for what I want to do with my final project and though I’m still undecided here a couple of front runners—which could actually be incorporated together. I’ve been thinking about blogging as part of a portfolio project for my students, so I was excited to see the eportfolio entries on the blogs and wikis page. I think this is a really simple way for students to reflect on content, projects, videos I may assign or that they find, share information, and on and on. Like this class, it becomes a document of the progress they make in the class. And as Brunsell and Horjsi state in Create a Classroom Blog, "Science education blogs can serve as powerful digital lab notebooks that contain text, images, and videos." This also supports the portfolio concept, even though it wouldn’t be strictly a lab project.
Today I was inspired by Dalton’s post to ask outside folks to blog in my class. I think experts in my field would be happy to comment on some topic I ask them about. I know I have colleagues who would do the same. I missed an opportunity for an expert to address my class last semester and now realize how easy it would have been to have him blog a bit about his experiences. I know that our cancer biology professor would blog about cancer and immunology, or vaccines for my micro class. I’m sure there are history folks who could blog about the historical context of the plague or the 1918 flu. You get the idea. I also want to support the compilation of Open Educational Resource development at my college so an extension of this would be to video experts and embed them into a blog or wiki, or my CMS. Time now to focus and work out some details! Suggestions anyone?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Generate an Argument-My activity on Whooping Cough

Since I couldn't load my file into the wiki (still trying to figure it out!), here is my assignment:

Brief Description: Title: Whooping Cough Epidemic?
Author: Kelly Burke
Descrption: CA has declared an epidemic of Whooping Cough. Students will analyze data from LA County, CA, and the CDC. In addition, they will search for current data and news articles to answer the questions: Are we in a normal disease cycle, and will it become a national epidemic? In addition, since 80% of cases are in Hispanics they will propose possible reasons for this. Students will graph data and present graphs and arguments in a Glog. Students will critique other groups in a round-robin and individuals will write a final argument after a class discussion.

Whooping Cough Epidemic?

Generate An Argument: Based on the Instructional Model by Victor Sampson and Jonathon Grooms

From the CA State Department of Health:
Date: 6/23/2010
Number: 10-041
Contact: Al Lundeen (916) 440-7259
Urging Californians to get vaccinated now, Dr. Mark Horton, director of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), warned today that the state is on pace to suffer the most illnesses and deaths due to pertussis, also known as whooping cough, in 50 years.

“Whooping cough is now an epidemic in California,” Horton said. “Children should be vaccinated against the disease and parents, family members and caregivers of infants need a booster shot.”

As of June 15, California had recorded 910 cases of pertussis, a four-fold increase from the same period last year when 219 cases were recorded. Five infants — all under three months of age — have died from the disease this year. In addition, 600 more possible cases of pertussis are being investigated by local health departments.

Pertussis is cyclical. Cases tend to peak every two to five years. In 2005, California recorded 3,182 cases and eight deaths.

Pertussis is a highly contagious disease. Unimmunized or incompletely immunized young infants are particularly vulnerable. Since 1998, more than 80 percent of the infants in California who have died from pertussis have been Hispanic.
Accessed 7/7/10

California has officially announced that Pertussis is epidemic in CA. Other states are reporting increases. Are we in a cyclic epidemic in CA? Is a national epidemic likely?

Your assignment: You will work in groups to review current information and historical data on the disease Pertussis, also known as Whooping Cough (causative agent, Bordatella pertussis). Each group will review and graph data, research new data and current news articles regarding the epidemic in CA and in other parts of the US. Based on your research and analysis you will answer the following questions:

Are we in a cyclic epidemic in CA? Is a national epidemic likely?
In addition, you will propose possible reasons for the rise in whooping cough and the high incidence of the disease in the Hispanic population. Make sure that you have good evidence and reasoning to support your argument and explanation.

With your group look up data on the following sites:

LA County Public Health: These tables show the annual morbidity data for Bordatella pertussis from 2001 to 2008. Graph the morbidity rate vs. year for all years.

CDC: This table shows the rates of several diseases from selected years in the range from 1950-2007. Cull the rates for Pertussis and graph them.
Table 47

Research the current rates of Pertussis in CA and the US for the years 2009 and 2010. If possible add this information to your graphs.

Research news articles and review whooping cough information on the CDC’s website.

Interactive Poster Session:
Your group will create a Glog to present your information, graphs, and main points of your argument. You must include the following on your poster: The questions you are trying to answer, your graphs, the main points of your claim, and your evidence and rationale, and the names of your group members. The format and design are up to you, but should be clear and somewhat straightforward. Graphics and design elements that are distracting should not be used.

You will share your work in a round-robin fashion. One member will stay with the poster while other members will view the other posters and hear and critique the groups’ rationales. In order to critique the other presentations you will use the guidelines developed by Victor Sampson and Jonathon Grooms:

“Remember, as you critique the work of others, you have to decide whether their conclusions are valid or acceptable based quality of their explanation and how well they are able to support their ideas. In other words, you need to determine if their argument is persuasive and convincing. To do this, ask yourself the following questions:
• Is their explanation sufficient (i.e., it explains everything it needs to) and coherent (i.e., it is free from contradictions)?
• Did they use genuine evidence (i.e., They organized their data in a way that shows a trend over time, a relationship between variables, or a difference between groups)?
• Did they use enough evidence to support their ideas (i.e., They used more than one piece of evidence and all their ideas are supported by evidence)?
• Is there any counterevidence that does not support their explanation?
• How well does their explanation fit with other theories and laws that are used in science to explain or describe how the world works?
• Is their rationale adequate (i.e., They explain why the evidence was used and why it supports the explanation)?
• Is their reasoning appropriate (rational and sound)? “

Sampson, V. and Grooms, J. (2010). Generate an Argument: An Instructional Model. The Science Teacher, 77(5), 32-37.

Since you will be using these criteria to critique other groups, you might use them to assess your own
posters as you develop your argument and design your posters.

Reflection: After reviewing the other posters, your group will meet to discuss their findings. You will also discuss possible improvements to your argument/posters and identify additional work or research that might be done to improve or refine your argument. The class will have a brief discussion on the whole and then each individual will turn in a final written argument.

Sampson and Grooms Scoring Rubric will be used by the instructor to score the arguments:

Accessed 7/7/10

Friday, July 9, 2010

Generate an Argument: Whooping Cough

I finally found some data that I wanted to use! There have been a lot of articles in the news on the increased cases of whooping cough in Ca, and especially in LA and San Bernardino Counties this year. However, some of the data on standard sites, like LA County Public Health, aren't completely up to date. So students will have to do some searching and compiling data from a variety of sources. In addition, like everyone else, I don't have a lot of time in my class to teach each component of the model in one big package. So I have an overall plan of introducing parts of the model as the semester unfolds.

One of the first units I do in my micro class is on the history of microbiology. I go over a lot of scientists and events. I think I will introduce Creat a Graph by having student pairs graph some data I already present on Semmelweiss and maternal deaths during childbirth. Then I would have groups of students students creat glogs on their favorite character or event and post them online for comments/critiques.

A little later in the course, during a unit on the flu I will have students look at some data and work on the "argument" portion of the assignment. Then about 1/2 way through the course they would do the whopping cough assignment bringing all the components together. Finally, I'm thinking of doing a final exercise where the students do the activity but on separate topics...thinking this could be a possibility for the final project of this course too. I would have them do something beyond the glog....more to come...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Web tools, sims, data, and PLNs

Here are some tools, simulations, and resources primarily for microbiology, but useful to most life science folks I think.
Internet for Microbiology:

This site is meant to be a tutorial for students to learn how best to use the internet for micro info, but it has fantastic resources! Most of the resources are micro based, but anyone who teaches units on microbes will find some interesting sites. Plus, you can select sites and put them in your cart and then email them to yourself. Brilliant. One site in particular is a UK based image bank:

Author/copyright holder and image bank must be acknowledged but:
“Images may only be freely downloaded and used for learning and teaching purposes within educational establishments (HE, FE and schools) for non-profit purposes only.
Acceptable uses include: academic web pages, lectures, PowerPoint presentations, within computer-aided learning materials, online tutorials, tests, coursework, student presentations/projects, school reports.”

Another British product: a rather ominous simulation about indentifying select microbial agents, but I think my students would get into this; something to think about using when they do unknowns. http://newmedia.kent.%20edu/projects/bio/start.htm

Stumbled on a blog about online science ed, but topic could be helpful to onground classes as well I think.

Red tide modeling and movement in Tampa Bay (my old stomping grounds, literally, I’ve stomped around plenty in Tampa Bay!)

Here’s an article of the efficacy of using simulations in a microbiology class—“The post-test results on academic achievement indicated that students in the experimental group achieved significantly higher means scores than the control group.”

And finally, a word on PLNs. A colleague recommended “feedly” as a PLN, since I’m not in love with Google reader.
I loved the look of his and finally got around to looking into it for myself. It is really nice to look at; your “stuff” is presented in an online magazine look format. Much cleaner than Google reader. I think at some point I will want to take a serious look, right now I have other fish to fry. What could be an issue for you—I had to go through Google chrome (which is a pretty cool browser in itself). It also has version for Safari and Firefox, but didn’t see one for IE. What is cool so far, since it is supported by Google, when I signed up everything in Google reader appeared in it. It also picked up my twitter feed (just had to log in to twitter). So I didn’t have to start from scratch to load anything. What I don’t know yet….does it have something like Google docs. Can I get my gmail through it? Or, can I access it directly from my gmail account? If the answer is yes to these three questions I think I would really work with it, I love the look (which is what I don’t love about Google reader).
Ok, my brain is frying again, so not used to spending so much time on the computer. But, despite how far I have to go, I feel like I am catching up and joining the 21st century; and feeling really good about that.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Embedding Leeuwenhoek

Just testing embedding videos. Leeuwenhoek is my favorite science character--gotta love a guy who was the first to observe Giardia (from his own feces) and spermatazoa (from his own, well, you know). I'm thinking of having my students use web tools to present historical figures and events in micro and molecular bio. The first video was done by a 7th grader (really?).

The second was done by a lego-maniac and always cracks me up--my students love it. Enjoy!


Well it's not showing up on my feed yet, but we had an earthquake a few minutes ago, south of Palm Springs. I'm 25 north of LA and was skyping with my daughter in France, it was so odd to be on video with her while it happened. Luckily, just rolling here, like being in a boat gently rocking. But, it makes me nauseous every time. Anyway, had to share. Check out all the quakes along the fault:

And, 50 aftershocks in the 45 minutes since....

Wk 4 Argument Reflections

Generate an Argument, the model by Sampson and Grooms, is an idea and process that fits just about any grade level from Middle School on. I can see using this assignment with non-majors and majors in all of our courses. Non-majors could investigate evolution, climate change, animal behavior (they could create their own data sets here), and many ecological issues. In my microbiology classes they could evaluate disease statistics and trends (this is what I hope to do as my assignment, though I'm not finding the data sets I want yet), drug resistance, and even genomic databases (though that will take some work on my part to get up to speed). In our Cancer biology class they could look at trends, causation, survival rates and more. In our environmental and organismal classes they could do similar projects to the ones that have been posted and mentioned by others with data from our area--bird watching, changes in population due to possible environmental changes. In our molecular and genetics classes they could even look at gene regulation, genetic diseases, etc.

The challenge for me so far, is finding data sets. It seems that most of the easily found data are related to physical and earth science. So instead of designing an activity around an idea I have, I may have to generate my assignment based on whatever data I can find. Since time is of the essence (and it always is) I may not find exactly what I want to fit into my course, exactly where I want it to fit.

I would also like to use student generated data. I do have an idea to use at some future date. There are a few of our micro labs that generate data, if I save that over a few semesters, I will be able to use the compiled data as an extension of the lab. This idea I love, and may actually use to design my assignment (if we compiled all info from the 5 sections in one semester, we might be able to). We also have swallows that return to our campus each spring* (sounds romantic, but it's really, really messy). I know that some classes have taken data in the past on factors surrounding their return, and on their behavior. This assignment would be perfect for them.

Finally, I will share this article and model to my department. I think it's a great way to help students participate in the fundamental aspects of science-data collection (or review of data), analysis and evaluation, prediction, investigation, discernment, review, collaboration, revision, and documentation. I would also like to share it with a group of HS science teachers we collaborate with (for curriculum alignment)--if they aren't familiar with it--and give them examples of projects from our class. Back to searching....

*I heard that the swallows did not return to Capistrano this spring, settled in at a nearby country club. The mission, San Juan Capistrano is trying to figure out how to woo them back. So, messy....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Twitter and #scichat

Maybe I'm becoming a convert. I participated (slightly) in the #scichat tonight. It was hard to follow; I quickly realized that I was missing parts of conversations that others were having with people I don't follow. And, there were a lot of links flying by. The #scichat has already been archived so I can go back. But, as it was going I diigo'd several links and started following several people (went to someones page and lurked at who they were talking to that I don't follow). That was very cool because now I can follow more. Then, lo and behold in my gmail there were notices of people now following me. Now I'm starting to see the value of connecting via twitter. Even though it is a little frenetic and I still don't want to know what someone had for dinner (unless they leave a link to some great new place in SoCal!), folks did stay on topic and it was inspiring to hear from so many people who are so passionate about science ed. So thanks Dr. Brunsell for forcing me into this!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Inspired by Joy and Caryn, here is my Yellowstone slide show. I'd like to be able to add narration, but don't know if you can do that with a premium account. I might use this to have students capture processes/procedures and add text. I'd like to have some small "libraries" of photos of microbes with different stains. We have a great digital microscope....this might work to explain the stain procedures with photos at different stages, too.

Extreme Living in Yellowstone on PhotoPeach

Ideas and time to ruminate....

I met with our Instructional Designer and have some new ideas for how to implement some of my project ideas. Because anything I do at my college must be 508 compliant it adds another layer of how do I do this? Videos have to be captioned, pages have to be accessible. For example, Glogster is definitely not compliant, but possibly voicethread....He also suggested some tools: Feedly for bookmarking, shareaholic for collaboration or projects, edistorm too. Also found this site, but haven't really looked at it yet:

I think it will be good to unplug a little this weekend and start to create a plan for what I want to do without the distraction of playing with the tools!

I know that my voicethread isn't public, so you can't see it. Trying to figure that out, any tips? Everyone has such great ideas, though it's overwhelming it is inspiring!
