Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Twitter and #scichat

Maybe I'm becoming a convert. I participated (slightly) in the #scichat tonight. It was hard to follow; I quickly realized that I was missing parts of conversations that others were having with people I don't follow. And, there were a lot of links flying by. The #scichat has already been archived so I can go back. But, as it was going I diigo'd several links and started following several people (went to someones page and lurked at who they were talking to that I don't follow). That was very cool because now I can follow more. Then, lo and behold in my gmail there were notices of people now following me. Now I'm starting to see the value of connecting via twitter. Even though it is a little frenetic and I still don't want to know what someone had for dinner (unless they leave a link to some great new place in SoCal!), folks did stay on topic and it was inspiring to hear from so many people who are so passionate about science ed. So thanks Dr. Brunsell for forcing me into this!


  1. Hey - I felt the same way! Frenetic is a great word for the pace of information coming at you during this chat.

  2. Oh- I forgot - thanks for the tip on the gmail. I've been out of town a few days and forgot about checking it. After last night there were more notifications, just as you said - pretty cool!

  3. Thanks for blogging about your experience. I'm looking forward to he next #scichat on 7/20!

  4. Kelly, your post literally made me laugh out loud! In my midsemester reflection I also thanked Eric for "forcing" us to use some of the web tools might be otherwise reluctant to take on. I just keep thinking about Pflaum's comment in one of our very first readings - the best way to learn is to "do" inquiry :)

  5. The stars haven't aligned yet for me to take part in one of these: first time I was on my way home from D.C., and last night I was finishing up negotiations on our contract. On the whole, I'd rather be in #scichat. Hope to see you there on the 20th.
