Friday, July 23, 2010

Final Project--baby steps towards eportfolios

I've created a Prezi to share my final project. If you double click the links it will open to the site (my new blog, my very crude timeline prezi and some current events/data). In a nutshell I'm going to start with a classroom blog in one of my microbiology classes. I will survey the students on their web tool experience/knowledge and then will design a few assignments for them to share on the blog. I will probably do group projects to begin with and have them individually comment on each other's projects. This is really going to be a work in progress and though I have an idea of where I'm will be a surprise too! I do hope to have a guest speaker or two.

In the future, I've been told that our new Learning Management System (either an update of BB or Moodlerooms joule, will have wiki and blog capabilities. So, I don't want to invest the time in building a wiki or have individual student blogs at this time. This should be a good training stage for when we transition to an updated LMS though. I would eventually like to have individual student blogs because my ultimate goal would be to have students develop individual eportfolios which would inlcude "stuff" from both lecture and lab. Some LMSs will allow students to export their portfolios and some won't--that is a bridge I will cross when we transition. All in all I'm excited to get started, and really curious as to how the students will react and perform! Good luck to us all!


  1. hey kc, this prezi is great! i especially like the way you organized it annd the current events bubble. embedding the youtube was perfect and overall, i think i will have to 'borrow' a lot of the ideas in your work as i put together my wiki! thanks for the great examples of web 2.0 tools at work!!

  2. The prezi presentation really showed how you are going to use your blog. It had a lot of information and was very organized. It was great how the YouTube video on blogging was embeded in the prezi. The introduction on your blog page nicely explained how the students were going to use the page and what they would be doing in the class with future web projects. Good luck with the blog and future web 2.0 tools.

  3. This was a great presentation to show what you expect of the students. Love the way the video on bloggin was embedded - very cool! I also liked the specific ideas you gave for how the students would blog - the "I will post..." was very informative! Good luck!
